My Dearest Mr. Wiggles (Judah),
That is the nick name I often give you n
ow that you have reached your third month birthday. You love to be on the move exploring your world that is ever expanding. It is fun to watch you get excited as you discover new things and do new tricks. You hate missing anything doing your secret service glance around the room.
It is especially fun to watch you play as you spend more time interacting with the world around you. You now grasp your toys and swing them around, often talking to them. On your bouncy seat of a morning, you have become quite skilled at grabbing your parrot and monkey, making them move with more control over your hands. Earlier this week I set you down on the floor under your play gym and you literally scooted in a full circle on your back. It also did not take long for you to figure out how to turn yourself around in your new Ex-Saucer that your cousin Isaac gave you.
You also like to play with your blankets by putting them up to your mouth. I finally got you this new blanket that has tags on it. You like it so much that that blanket is often very soaked in drool. One of your favorite games with the blankets (towel) is peek-a-boo as we get you ready for bed during your nightly sponge bath. And you still like to play fort with daddy.
You become more like your daddy everyday as you have started a fascination for technology. You become so engrossed in the pictures that flash up on the computer screen saver. Often I catch you looking at the ceiling fan as if you are trying to figure out how it works. You also watched your first football game with daddy on TV -
DNH against AP! Go wolverines...touchdown!
You really like to be on the move. When you are on the floor, you turn yourself over from your back to your front and back again. You get so frustrated when you cannot go anywhere on your tummy. Now that we have the
Bumbo, you want to sit up any opportunity you can get to watch what is going on. I have to be careful when I change your diaper on the floor because you scoot away from me (silly boy). Somehow you manage to get lint between your toes now from all your scooting.
All this moving around though does wear you out after awhile (and me to). I am really thankful that you have been sleeping through the nights, especially from 10:30pm until 7:00am or even 8:00am. Lately it has been hard to put you down for a nap in the mornings but you do take a nap in the afternoons. You also have been going through a growth spurt as some evenings you want to eat every hour. You must want to replenish all that energy with sleeping and eating so much so that you are already into your 3 month clothes and size two diapers (and these won't last much longer).
I also like to call you my cuddle bug. You do have a cuddly side and I like to watch you sleep. You still make your faces when you dream. Then when you are rested, you wake with a great big smile. You often smile when you see daddy after work and you get excited when you hear my voice. You liked to be tickled and often just laugh and laugh from the raspberries being blown on your tummy.
We are so proud of you for reaching 3 months! You are getting so big, getting long bodied and getting stronger on your feet. Your hair is lightening up almost into a golden buzzed halo except for the rat tail in the back. People say you look like your daddy except for your eyes. I think you look like both of your grandpas as you can really notice the similarity when they hold you.
I continue to thank God for everyday with you. We love you Judah.
Now let's take our morning walk - you really love the stroller!