After all isn't the home where life's building blocks are provided. So join us as we roll up our sleeves and confront everyday life on the Rittgers Home Front!
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 2011

We made a family affair out of the 2011 Republican Presidential Straw Poll held on August 13, in Ames, Iowa. We made it up to the 2011 Republican Presidential Straw Poll this year to cast our vote for Governor Tim Pawlenty. Meeting up with Gigi, we registered, got our t-shirts, and went to vote. Afterwards, we enjoyed eating Famous Daves at the T-Paw tent. Then we spent the afternoon walking the Iowa State University grounds around Hilton exploring all the vendors and playing with the kids crafts at the Ron Paul tent. Finally, we made it back to the T-Paw tent in time to hear Sonic Flood where Gigi and Aunt Sandy joined us. Even though we were so tired from all the excitement of a long day, we went out to Village Inn for dinner and a quick visit back to campus to see Aunt Rachel.

Later in the month we visited the Iowa State Fair. Judah went around posing (in his excitement) with the painted ceramic cows across the fairgrounds in celebration of the 100 years butter cow exhibit. He also had to pose by the giant pumpkins in front of the horticulture building. He enjoyed eating his peanut butter and jelly (with grapes) on a stick. He saw the train building with Aunt Rachel and went through the "Hall of Breeds" with daddy and Uncle Philip. After going home for a nap, we returned in the evening for some more fair food of ice cream and fries, some oldies music, and a tour of the food building in which Judah referred to the decorated cakes as Happy Birthday Cakes.

Judah was the first to share our big family news as he sported his new, "Big Brothers Rule" plaid outfit. This was our first opportunity to share with family (since all the Kreis family was going to be together) that child number two was on the way. We met up Papa Ed and Nana and Uncle Philip in the horticulture building where Nana was eating her strawberry shortcake when they discovered the shirt. Later in the day we met up with Uncle David, Aunt Rachel, and Uncle Charlie as they were in line at the Beef Producers. David was the first to discover the shirt and even though Nana had guessed from mom being sick all were pretty excited. We even ran into some church friends later in the day who asked about the shirt after a second glance.

The last weekend in August, we trekked north to the Rittgers farm. Once again, Judah sported his new "Big Brothers Rule" shirt for our arrival to Papa's and Gigi's house. Gigi was pretty excited when we came through the door and she saw the shirt but it took Papa a little bit to notice before he understood the meaning. On Sunday, we put the shirt back on again for Aunt Amy and Uncle Andrew and Lee and Sandy. Again, all were pretty excited about the news.

Daddy went back to Des Moines for work while Judah and mommy spent the rest of the week on the farm for some extra help as mommy had not been feeling well. Twice we enjoyed a picnic and campfire out at the new pavilion down at the pond, roasting hot dogs and smores. We did some shopping and Judah did a lot of playing with his cousin Jacob as well as visited Jacob's preschool.

This month, Judah has proved he is no longer a baby in any way but 100% boy through and through. Judah has practically given up the high chair, now sitting (more like standing) at the table instead. He also has shied away from sippy cups using real cups now without lids. He is more rough, climbs much more, and likes to run. He often runs ahead (if not picking up rocks) now when taking walks. And finally, Judah mastered the somersault.

In addition this month, Judah has stopped napping entirely (probably due to getting his two year molars). The timing for mom was horrible since she was extra tired and sick. So even though he did not fall asleep, he sat in the crib with his pile of books for quiet time so that mom could rest. If mom cannot rest, he has some extra video time, watching a lot more videos lately getting into Veggie Tales and Richard Scary's Busy Town as well as his John Deere videos. He talks about them often quoting them.

Judah has really learned to play by himself this month. He entertains himself with his toys becoming more and more creative and imaginative at play finding more uses for them, interacting with his toys, and combining toys together. He has really started to set up his own train tracks and then adds his blocks for cities and cars. You will find him improvising and pretending with his toys. He talks about what his toys are doing. For example, one day he wanted a blue blanket laid out across the floor. He then took a string informing us he was fishing in the pond. He even pretended to put minnows on the end of the string and then reel in the pole. He also helped with his new toy box with daddy pretending to screw it together.

Judah also continues his love for music by singing. You will often find him walking (or playing) striking up a chorus. Sometimes he will run around singing Ring around the Rosy. Other times he will sing about the B-I-B-L-E or Who Built the Ark. The most funny is when he sees the letters (NO Parking) on the yellow curb in our complex front entrance and he stops to sing the alphabet song pointing to the letters.

We still continue playgroup every Monday adding some outings with our friends instead of hosting at our home. One morning we went to the zoo. Another afternoon we went to the wading pool. Most often, our neighbor friend Soleil (and her mom Lindsay) car pool us to their own activities so that we can explore places such as nearby parks and the Capitol grounds. When we are not with friends, we fill our time with summer activities like play dough and the sprinkler.

This month, mommy has not been feeling so well being in the first trimester of pregnancy. This means that things at home remain simple. Mommy rests while Judah plays by himself. Then daddy comes home to do the household chores and cook supper. We did take some time to celebrate mommy's birthday though. At work, Tim been consumed with work as BGGCI ended their summer programming and prepare for their fall programming. In between he has hosted and run a regional Midwest training, a staff training, and conducted several interviews for new hires.

Judah has been mimicking mommy at not feeling well. He particularly likes to share my "boost (Ensure)" leaving chocolate mustaches on his face. He snacks when mommy does and he even has become particular in his food selection just like mommy. Tim has caught him plugging his nose and mouth like mommy does to keep from throwing up. Judah does it and tells that things are stinky. When mommy does throw up, Judah comes over alongside the sink and coughs pretending to cough just like mommy. Mommy has been craving a lot of diary like yogurt and cheese. Morning sickness hits worst in the evenings leaving Tim to care for Judah.