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Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 2016

April was a beautiful spring. We spent lots of time outdoors together enjoying the sunshine, fresh air, and bright spring colors. We made sure to do all our favorite spring activities. And we celebrated Easter and the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. What a special month and good times by all.

We spent more time outside this month. One of our favorite pastimes this month was to fly our kites. Several times we took them out on a windy spring day. Krissy had more fun running around in her princess dress dragging it along on the ground. She did manage to keep it up for awhile once mommy got it in the air. Judah mastered his kite flying this year all by himself. He was able to get it up in the air and keep it flying. He then decided he loved flying kites.

Another spring activity was to ride our bikes. Tim rode home from work a few times in the afternoons as the weather turned nice. Emma even rode her bike with Krissy in the trailer on a few outings to the parks. We also fixed up the next size up hand me down bike for Judah. He had no problem adjusting to the 14 inch bike and it proved to be a better fit.

Krissy took up bike riding as her new hobby. She rode in the rain. She road in her princess dress. She did all this riding the neighbors big girl bike. She actually learned to ride her friend Sarah's big girl bike before her friend did. And from then on she monopolized it riding it all over the neighborhood. After one afternoon of showing her how to pedal with her feet, she was setting speed records the next day. Every spare moment outside was spent on the bike.

Krissy also loves to dress up. Many times a day mommy is the prince while Krissy dances around in princess costume. Some times she is Cinderella. Other times Tinker Bell. And still she likes to be Rapunzel. If she does not have a costume on, she will sport one of her tutu's or Sunday dresses and be the little fashionista around the house.

Judah worked hard on his poetry poster for his Animal Parade this month at school. He decided to do the longest poem of anyone, "Trout, Trout, Trout." It was hard work and took both sides of the poster board to write every last word. He really learned though that once you start a project you need to finish it. And he certainly finished it with fish stickers all over. On his designated day, he took it to school and taught the class about his poem. Meanwhile, we had conferences for Judah this month confirming he is doing just fine in school.

Several times this month we took the kids on special outings. One weekend we went to Principal Park for the I-Cubs Open House. Our day was fun filled to the max. We played on the playground and did some batting. We toured the park even the locker rooms, the field, and the press box. Judah got to yell go Cubs across the intercom. For lunch, we had our free hot dogs and pop. No day at the park would be complete without a picture with Cubbie the Bear. Go Cubs!

We also went to a Iowa Stars basketball game. We enjoyed our free tickets. Judah and Krissy sure loved eating cotton candy for the first time. It was a good thing mommy took her phone because Krissy was more into watching a show than the game. Judah had fun cheering on the team though.

We also went to the farm mid April for cousin Reece's 1st birthday party. Of course the kids had fun playing with cousins and spending time on the farm. The rest of our month was busy with all our daily activities. Krissy continued music class where she practiced her singing and dancing. Emma finished facilitating Phase 1 for Ultimate Journey. Tim was busy getting ready with his his big migration launch for the Advisor Digital site. 

Perhaps the biggest adventure together this month was celebrating Easter. Our weekend started out with the Good Friday service at Timberline. The kids also opened their Easter gift, a new fish themed shower curtain for their bathroom, much needed towels, and new decorations. On Saturday morning we then joined the Easter egg hunt at Judah's school, Shepherd of the Valley Church. The kids had fun collecting all their eggs and finding candy inside.

Sunday was a packed day of celebration. Papa and Gigi met us at church in time to take some pictures all dressed up in our Easter clothes. Krissy was so proud of her dress since she picked it out all by herself this year. And Judah was a good sport to match Krissy. Our morning at church was indeed special as we got to watch Tim in the Easter drama.

After church, we came home for a nice dinner with Papa and Gigi of ribs and twice-baked potatoes. We even had ice cream cake to celebrate Papa's birthday.

Then after a short quiet time, the kids opened their gifts from Papa and Gigi. Gigi also went outside to hide some eggs for the kids to hunt. Finally, we dyed our Easter eggs this year. This year we did volcano Easter eggs since Judah loves his experiments. Using food coloring and vinegar, we dyed our eggs in pretty pastel colors. Even Gigi made some eggs.