After all isn't the home where life's building blocks are provided. So join us as we roll up our sleeves and confront everyday life on the Rittgers Home Front!
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Week Number Two!

We have been home two weeks now from the hospital. Slowly we are adjusting to being a family of three as we get to know Judah, our little man, more each day. It is not always easy taking care of a newborn (especially as we discover how grating crying can be to some one's nerves who is sleep deprived) but we cherish our time with him and love him dearly.

Judah had his first doctor's appointment last Friday. He even gained more weight (which is good news to a mom who wonders if he is eating enough) to eight pounds. He messed his diaper twice at the doctor's office but other than that his first outing went smoothly and he got a good bill of health from the doctor. Since he is putting on weight, the doctor told us we could let him set his eating schedule instead of feeding every three hours. So far, though feedings have gotten harder with the schedule change and we are just trying to find the right niche.

Since Judah is having trouble knowing night from day, we have been trying to keep him awake a little more during the day. To do this, we got out his new play mat for a little bit of tummy and play time. Judah also likes to watch his elephant mobile and listen to music especially the Bible songs while being rocked. We even took Judah on his first walk around the neighborhood in his stroller (course he slept during that). Finally, though we discovered last night that the swing is a great way to put him to sleep at night. He slept for almost five hours before the next feeding.

I must mention that Maestro for the most part completely ignores Judah. Only occasionally does Maestro look at him like who are you. Maestro has been very protective of me though. Every time I lay in bed, Maestro has to lay next to my feet with his paw out touching me. Only when we did have Judah down on his play mat, Maestro did keep the little guy company.

We have had a number of visitors this last week who have brought meals, cleaned, or just visited. Grandma Rittgers stayed with us all last week bonding with Judah and helping around the house. Then Cousin Jacob came to visit his new play mate for the first time. Jacob did not like not being the center of attention though. Also, over the weekend, my friends from high school (Beth, Nicole, and Christy) came to visit as it was our annual get together. Not only was it good to see them, but they actually cleaned the down stairs of our house and cooked meals.

Slowly Tim is making his way back to work. He has been working half days either at home or in the office. Judah and I spent some time by ourselves for the first time yesterday at home while daddy went to the office. For the most part we managed just fine and really just hung out and took a nap.

Judah is still a cutie. He likes to make his little faces and coos giving me almost a smile and a laugh at times. He is starting to look more like my side of the family except he has Tim's hairline and cleft chin. I think in particular he is starting to resemble a baby picture of Philip. You can tell Judah is gaining weight as he is getting a double chin. Also, his mullet is so long in the back, I think it could easily become a rat tail. Watch out for the new baby trend!


  1. It certainly appears that Jacob does not like sharing his g-pa and g-ma Rittgers...but he is looking forward to having cool cousins to play with! Grow up quick Judah!! :)

  2. Oh...what a sweet smile in the last picture!

  3. Judah-

    Maestro gives me the same look buddy!

  4. Yay for the baby mullet and yay for the baby swing! It was so nice to meet you Judah! Love you guys!
