Now that dog days of summer are here, Judah is jumping in with both feet. Together we are enjoying June days with lots of sunshine and warm temperatures, all filled with summer fun.
Judah is at a fun age where he can now appreciate activities. Judah discovered that he loves to play in water no matter where it comes from: the watering can, the sprinkler, the hose, the wading pool and fountains, rainwater and puddles, bath, his sippy cup, and as usual Maestro's water dish. He loves to splash in the standing water. You will find him just laughing when the water splashes around him and on him especially from the sprinkler on a particular hot, humid day. He holds out his hands toward the water in excitement. Taking Judah to Ashby Park, Judah carries a beach ball (twice his size) right through the water fountains and in the one foot wading pool. He stomps in the rainwater, splashing the puddles all over him and standing underneath the gutter.
Another pastime that Judah has found is digging in dirt. To prove that, Judah even said “dirt” this month. At Ashby Park, he will sit in the sand, raking or throwing the fine gravel with the sand box toys provided. At home, he will take mommy's garden rake and move around the mulch or pretend he is weeding by picking mommy's flowers. He even likes to sit in my pots. Of course, dirty feet and muddy hands are both a part of this summer fun. So then we hose off in the water.
Still Judah is enjoying summer festivals. Several times we have taken him to the downtown Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings in Des Moines. He especially likes to eat the Breakfast Burritos (who doesn't and if you haven't then we highly recommend it). Enjoying the music at Farmer's Market he will dance or listen to the different ethnic and instrumental sounds. Occasionally we also take him to the Farmer's Market on Thursday evening in Valley Junction, biking or walking over for more of the same. In addition, we to the Des Moines Arts Festival this year to experience some art including exploring the sculptures at the West Gateway Park downtown.
The rest of our weeks this month is filled with other summer fun. Occasionally we hit up the garage sales finding bargains on toys and clothes. Other Friday mornings, we attend story time at the Des Moines Public Library, always coming home with a bagful of books and music. Other times we still get together with friends or run errands to the grocery store.
Perhaps all this summer activity is even more fun with Judah's increased ability to understand things. Judah has added “duck” and “dirt” to his vocabulary. In addition, he says “that” as he points to just about everything curiously wanting to know the name of objects and how they work (almost like a nonverbal why). He looks at his shoes when you tell him to take them off. He kicks his ball when you tell him to kick his ball. And he screams/hits when you tell him “NO.” He has come to understand the meaning of some of the words out of his sight word book (Your Baby Can Read), often imitating the actions or pointing to the objects such as “head,” “arm,” “ears,” and “clapping.” He tries to give you five if you ask for it or pretends to blow you kisses. He waves to strangers, often charming the older ladies. And his body sways, bounces, and his arms go back and forth when you tell him to dance to his favorite CD, Daddy O' Daddy (by Woody Guthrie). And much of the day is spent reading books that he brings to you.
Judah is all about silly antics. If you use the bathroom at our house, you will often find the toilet paper unrolled and shredded all over the floor. On the same note, he likes to drop stuff in the bathtub (so if cannot find a toy, check the tub). He has also become attached to his green blanket using it to cuddle with for both nap and bed times. He has figured out that one kitchen cupboard opens allowing him to take out all of mommy's container lids. He loves to play with his top helping mommy spin and stop it over and over again. He enjoys stacking his toy cups and knocking them back over. He pushes his cars and trucks across the floor making motor sounds. He also has learned to get on his bike himself frontwards, backwards, or standing on top (with one foot). He likes to see the world upside down by trying to stand on his head. And Maestro gets chased, screamed at, pulled, and tackled relentlessly by a laughing little boy. All these antics are followed by a silly, toothy grin and a funny laugh!
All this energy leaves a growing boy and a must-need creative, patient mommy. This month Judah has eaten so many new foods, it is getting hard to write them all down. A few include french fries, macaroni and cheese, tuna, tortillas, and ice cream (looks like junk food from this list). However, he still enjoys his peas and now likes whole green beans. Mommy has also discovered he likes “baby casseroles,” baby food mixed with pasta and added vegetables. In addition, he likes cracker sandwiches or cheese quesadilla. He has also learned to eat grapes and is working on Mandarin oranges. He still eats his yogurt and cheerios for breakfast with a banana.With all this big person food, Judah is wanting to eat like a big boy. He has been using a spoon more often again and his finger foods are more whole pieces than before. He uses a straw, eats without a bib (much to my dismay), and throws food when he is done.
What food does not end up on the floor or in his hair, he actually eats and is growing. His blue eyes shine around two chubby cheeks and a toothy, round-faced grin where he got his fourth tooth earlier this month (upper left). From the back, his brown (with tints of red) hair looks like a long curly mullet and from the front it looks like a mop hanging in his eyes. He continues to sport the long Rittgers back supported by short stubby legs. Practically running all over the place, Judah's high metabolism keeps him going even through his first knee scrape and first shiner. Judah's nap schedule is finally giving way to a one nap a day for about 2-3 hours in the afternoon.
As the new Operations Director for the Boys and Girls Club, Tim has been learning the ropes of what it means to be management. With his Executive Director gone for vacation for a week this month, Tim experienced van problems and graffiti, an angry parent, and receiving a $20, 000 check followed by much more all within a span of the week. With a YLI replacement in tow, Tim has been busy training and getting new staff settled into the office. In addition, he squeezes time in for meetings, writing grants, computer repairs, and putting together presentations. Tim did take off the last of his furlough days for the 2009 fiscal year joining us in our daily activities such as story time.