My Dearest Judah -
Today you are one month old. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting to know you this last month. Looking back, I can't imagine life without you or even remember what it was like before you arrived. Daddy and I are so proud to have you a part of our family and we love you very much. Thanks for making us parents. You are truly a blessing to us.
I am so thankful everything went well with you during delivery and birth. After 9 months of wondering about you and the anticipation of your arrival, you arrived on May 29, 2009, at 12:15pm, a full 7 pounds and 7 ounces. What a beautiful boy, Judah Amos Rittgers! God be praised....Let me tell you my part of the story.
I woke up on Wednesday morning feel overall crummy and achy all over. I tried to go about a normal routine but after the afternoon nap, I starting experiencing regular contractions about 15-20 minutes apart at around 4:00pm. Believe or not, Maestro knew you were coming as the few days before he was acting crazy whining all the time and be ornery. Looking back I also had a little bit of energy the day before and cleaned a little around the house. At any rate, I called your dad to make sure to come home right after work. Once he got home, we started timing the contractions and noticed that they were pretty regular at 8 minutes apart throughout the evening.
We spent the evening watching movies to pass the time and because it kept me relaxed. I think we even ate snacks cause I knew once we went to the hospital I would not be able to eat anything. Your dad was so cute in that he had the computer and was keeping track of the contractions on contraction master. He would run and get me a heat pad and then run back in anticipation of another contraction and when one came he anxiously would start the timer until it was done.
(Stayed tuned...interrupted for feeding)
Did you know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. From your head to your toes, you are like your parents in every way but at the same time also your own person. Did you know that you get the hiccups like your mom: hard and lengthy? Sorry buddy. Did you you know that you sneeze like your dad, three times? As for looks, you have your dad's receding hairline but my color of hair. You do have the cutest mullet and rat tail though. Daddy believes you have mommy's eyes (green) but I think they are blue. You definitely have your dad's cheeks and cleft chin. Your ears are well defined and so little as well as your long fingers and toes. We think you will be left handed as you like to have it up near your head; you even scream some times to have your arms out from the swaddle. Do you know that your pinkie fingers are sort of crooked like mine! However, you certainly have your dad's long toes and feet. Overall you have also have a long torso and long legs.
You are starting to develop a personality and it is cute to watch develop into that person. You have the cutest personality quirks. For example, you shake your hands when you are mad. You coo, laugh, and smile when you are satisfied and your tummy is full. And you like to be held by your dad or to lay on his chest. Both of you often sit in front of the television just hanging out. You even lay like your dad and have the same mannerisms. You certainly like to look at your giraffe toy, hear your glow worm, and stare at the black iron head board in our room during play time. I enjoy rocking you in the glider listening to music and lullabies. We even listen to Bible songs and classical music to change it up a bit.
We are proud of the accomplishments you have made this month. The other day you grabbed your Binky out of your mouth and held in your hand tightly for a long time. You have also started rolling to your side on your own. It love it when you recognize my voice and turn to look at me. You have also been awake more often to enjoy some play time. You often startle yourself in your sleep but you are good to comfort yourself back to sleep. I also appreciate the efforts you have made in feeding from a bottle to breast; we have learned to work together. Then you started sleeping in four-five hour stretches at night allowing your dad and I to get much needed sleep. For the most part you are a great eater, weighing 9 pounds now.
Happy 1 month Birthday Judah! We look forward to many more and pray that God will continue to keep you safe and healthy as you develop into the little guy that God has in mind. We also pray for us as parents that we continue to "not have a spirit of fear, but of love, patience, and a sound mind (wisdom and discernment)" in raising you. We love you buddy!
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Congrats little buddy. You're Auntie Hilary and I are excited to see you again soon! We're scouring our calendars for a day we can come visit!