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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, January 15, 2010

Judah's First Christmas!

Here are some scenes from Judah's First Christmas. He got to enjoy celebrating Christmas three times this year: us as a family on Wednesday and Thursday, Kreis Family Christmas on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and the Rittgers Family Christmas on Sunday and Monday.

We started our family Christmas on Wednesday by going to the Point of Grace Christmas Eve Eve Service at 5:30pm. While Judah enjoyed the Christmas carols, Tim and I enjoyed the sermon on the name of Jesus, Everlasting Father. We went home for our traditional Christmas Pork Chops and rice (from the crock this year) followed by opening family gifts. We implemented our new family tradition for the first time of unwrapping the baby Jesus and placing him in the manger. Next, I read the Christmas story recalling the gift of a Savior. Then we opened a few gifts before Judah was ready for bed. Christmas seemed extended to wake up the next morning to a big breakfast of homemade muffins, biscuits and gravy, eggs, and sausage followed by opening the remaining gifts and stockings.

God has truly blessed our family this Christmas (in my Kreis family tradition, I will record some of our gifts). Our family gift which has become a tradition since Tim and I married, was matching family penguin pajamas. From Tim's penguin pants to Judah's penguin long underwear, we all matched. Lately, penguins have been Judah's favorite toy. To go with our pajamas, Judah got his It's Not my Tractor book and Tim received a couple of western books by Stephen Bly with the New Casting Crowns album and a Bryan Heath album. Of course Tim surprised me with the Sarah Palin's new book, Going Rogue (I still need to read ask me later what I think). Judah enjoyed his new blocks that stack and have fun activities on them as well as his Chuck dump truck that moves. Maestro was content playing with his ties (off of the toys) and bows chasing them around the wrapping paper strewn all over the floor.

We left on the afternoon of Christmas Eve for Waterloo beating the freezing rain to arrive at the Kreis home. We all enjoyed a relaxed Christmas Eve Evening watching Christmas movies and eating pies (since we could not wait). It was fun to have everyone there as we woke up the next morning to another big breakfast of Charlie's biscuits and gravy and mom's French Toast casserole. All dressed in his Penguin Christmas outfit, Judah enjoyed tearing off the bows and eating the wrapping paper. We barely started the gift opening before Judah was ready for his morning nap. The rest of us could not wait though and opened his Tonka books/car and Tugboats. Tim enjoyed opening his new clothes and my kitchen knives and I am so thankful for the additional dishes.

The rest of Christmas day, we lazily hung out watching more movies, enjoying each other's company, and napping off the big lunch of turkey and ham with all the fixings. We enjoyed a similar day at the Rittgers Farm until we had a full spread of traditional prime rib and cranberry jello. Judah and his cousin Jacob really enjoyed eating their Christmas dinner side by side in the high chairs. Afterwards, all decked out in his penguin pajamas, Judah and Jacob (and Matt) led the reading of the Christmas story with the birthday cake followed by opening gifts. Both boys were caught up in process of handing out gifts, opening them, and playing. Though tired, Judah enjoyed the excitement of opening his bike, his ball popper, and his Little People Farm. Tim received a trailer to pull behind his bike and I received a bike helmet. Guess you know where to find us this spring!

Judah slept great that night dreaming of bows, toys, and nativities. The next day was filled with just as much excitement with all the cousins and second cousins over for meatballs and more pie. Judah and Jacob provided the entertainment for the little ones with their new toys and Randy provided the entertainment for the big ones with his toys (water skies turned into snow skies). Grandpa had the sleds and the tractors out all afternoon pulling kids of all ages. Next the Christmas exchange had everyone on edge to take home that one special gift of $25, singing penguin lights, or a Nerf gun. Christmas finally wound down that evening as all, old and young, curled up with a warm bowl of soup and a game by the fire.

After being in Waterloo/Cedar Falls for five days, we headed home to check on Maestro to make sure he did not destroy anything. New Year's was spent again with our friends the Bowman's, watching Dick Clark's New Year's Celebration and eating sliders, spinach artichoke dip, and stuffing ourselves with other fating delicious things. Only this year, we only stayed awake until 10:30 at which we popped the bubbly early and went home for bed. By the time we got Judah ready and in bed, he only missed the New Year by 15 minutes! Happy New Year Judah!

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