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Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Little Republican!

Judah experienced his first taste of the political scene this week. He attended his first campaign rally which happened to be Governor Terry Branstad's kickoff gubernatorial announcement event in Des Moines held at the Iowa Historical Society on Tuesday morning. Listening to cheers and watching signs wave, Judah was mesmerized with the event so much so he was wound up the rest of the day. On the way out, the Governor stopped for a picture with us giving the media a golden opportunity for a supporter shot (especially with his Republican shirt). Our picture showed up in the Des Moines Register the following day (see below). Afterwards, Judah and I strolled through the caucus exhibit at the Historical Building looking at campaign buttons, learning about the process, and setting the stage for upcoming caucuses.

Judah ended the week by attending his first precinct caucus with mommy and daddy for Des Moines 72 as part of the 2010 Iowa Caucus cycle. Although we were the only ones for our precinct, the room was full of fellow republicans caucusing for their platform planks and signing nominating papers for their candidates. A number of friends were excited to see Judah for the first time appreciating the fact that he is being indoctrinated early. What can I say, we call it growing the party! Way to go Judah!

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